Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Fourth of July

Amidst the cacophony of booms, pops, whistles, and explosions I was being lulled to sleep by the gentle hum of my Off! Clip-On.  Occasionally I would hear the jazz music escaping from my aging cell phone or the untimely death of an insect on my neighbor's bug zapper.  I was sitting on my deck enjoying the best the people of Crown Point had to offer in terms of fireworks purchases.  Watching thousands of dollars explode against the blackening night sky drowning out the stars I slowly sipped away at my Michelob Golden Draft.

This weekend, most of you probably threw and/or attended a wonderful summer cookout honoring the birth of our country.  And I'm assuming that most of these events included this blog's favorite beverage of choice.  I encountered a wide array during my weekend travels and found myself drinking the old standby more than anything else.  As it is more readily available to quench the thirst of the masses it was hardly a surprise.

Along the way I got to sit down and enjoy Hoppin' Frog's Fresh Hop IPA.  It was fantastic.  The color, just a little south of orange, and the aroma of fresh citrus fruit made it inviting on the 93 degree day.  The ale was smooth with only a slight hint of bitterness.  I probably liked it so much because the hop flavor was very muted.

I ended the weekend with the aforementioned Michelob Golden Draft.  My love affair with this beer cannot really be explained, mostly because I don't remember how it started.  This brew is not available in my area and has almost become seasonal in nature.  A very good friend of mine goes to Minnesota every June and picks me up a case every time.  I know it is available in the western suburbs of Chicago, but it isn't exactly a beer worth traveling for.  It is reminiscent of MGD or Budweiser but somehow just a little better.  In the past the best part about this beer was the can.  It was ribbed for his and her pleasure.  Maybe that's where the love affair began.

I hope everyone had a great weekend and was safe and sound.  If so inclined, please share your beer experience so I can be on the lookout for new brews to try.

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