Friday, September 23, 2011

Social Media

To supplement the blog I've also been more active on Twitter.  The handle is rather obvious: @BeerMeWilk.  I'll be working on my own Facebook page (independent of my own Facebook page (confused yet?)) and showcase some of the craft brewers that I've had the pleasure of meeting, through their products only.  Also, 2012 looks to be the year that the adventure of brewing beer may commence.  Brett has been chomping at the bit ever since the Illiana Mayfest and I might actually dive head first with him into the foray.  Stay tuned for those details.  In the mean time, spread the love and the word and bring people into the craft beer fold.  While you're at it, click on an ad or two, just so our beer brewing venture can be supplemented by ad income!  FYI, I've made $10 since May.  Exciting, isn't it?

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